
These events are designed to be recreational, home-style poker tournaments. Since we sadly cannot meet in person right now, the goal is to create friendly social and competitive events that everyone can safely participate in online.

Game Platform - PokerStars

We will be using PokerStars' "Home Games" feature, as it offers a very flexible, multi-platform private tournament setup. A few important details:

For instructions on installing, please see this page.

Instructions on how to join the home game tournament from desktop and mobile will be emailed upon registration and payment.

Social Platform - Discord

We will have a custom Discord Server with channels per table, as well as general social channels. This will give us voice chat, video, and text chat functionality. Participants probably won't want to use screen share capabilities, however ;)

Discord offers a wide range of platform options, including web-based, if you do not wish to install a client.

An invite will be sent to participants upon registration and payment.

Visit  discord.com for more information.

Payout Structure

The event will be using a typical structure detailed here, with roughly the top 20% of players receiving payouts. All buy-ins go straight into payouts.